Democratic theory
Cluster A will shed light on issues of democracy and democratic theory from different angles:
- History and ethics (Prof. Dr. Reiner Anselm)
- Jurisprudence (Prof. Dr. Isabel Feichtner)
- Political science ( Prof. Dr. Karsten Fischer/Dr. Astrid Séville)
- Social sciences (Prof. Dr. Horst-Alfred Heinrich)
- Philosophy and economy (Prof. Dr. Lisa Herzog/Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hofmann)
- Concerning migration and citizenship education (Prof. Dr. Anette Scheunpflug)
This cluster is no synthesis of each of its sub-projects. Rather, its topic will be the diverging concepts of democracy and how to shape them, which are to be discussed in the whole association. It may be assumed that these debates will support processes of understanding and negotiating within the association and in society as a whole. The cluster will be active in the period 2018-2020.