Bayerischer Forschungsverbund “Zukunft der Demokratie” (ForDemocracy)


In the context of eleven sub-projects from the humanities and the social sciences, the ForDemocracy Research Association brings together scientists from eight Bavarian universities: University of Bamberg, HAW Landshut, HAW Munich, LMU Munich, Hochschule für Politik at TU Munich, University of Passau, OTH Regensburg and University of Würzburg.

Each project researches a particular topic from its own discipline, which can be tracked by the Project pages. Each project provides the basis for scientific (dissertation/habilitation) theses dealing with the respective research topic in more detail.

In close interdisciplinary cooperation, the members work on Association topics apart from their own projects.

All participants in the Association are Members. Their rights and obligations are stated in the statutes. The members meet for a plenary assembly once a year, where the issues to be tackled by the Association are discussed and decisions concerning its work are made.

Towards the outside, the Research Association is represented by two scientific speakers elected by the members: Prof. Dr. Isabel Feichtner (Jurisprudence, University of Würzburg) and Prof. Dr. Gerald Beck (Social Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Munich).

Strategic issues and the topical direction of the Association’s work are determined by a steering team consisting of the speaker, one representative elected for each Cluster, one representative of the scientific staff and the members of the executive board.

The Association’s Office is located at the Institute of Communications Studies of Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich. The Office is in charge of the entire management of the Association and serves as a contact partner for internal and external requests.

ForDemocracy is one out of several Bavarian research associations under the umbrella of the Bavarian Research Alliance.